Human centered corporate culture
We pursue people-centered challenges and creative ideas, open management based on trust and consideration, ethical responsibility and social contribution.
Corporate culture
Based on the core values of challenge and creativity, open management based on trust and consideration, ethical responsibility and social contribution, Fuentech believes that 'people' are the center of leading the company.
Accordingly, we are constantly striving to provide an environment where various people can meet and cultivate a challenging spirit that is not afraid of failure through creative ideas based on open minds and trust, and to provide various opportunities for members and companies to grow together.
There is in addition, Fuentech establishes autonomous ethical management for a clean corporate culture without corruption and seeks to fulfill its social roles and responsibilities with a unified mind.
핵심 가치 실현
도전과 창의적 발상
신뢰와 배려의 열린경영
윤리적 책임과 사회적 공헌
Direction of propulsion
In order to grow into a global company, Fuentech recognizes the diversity of each member and promotes concrete actions to induce autonomous and creative ideas.
In addition, we are constantly striving to develop by implementing an appropriate compensation policy according to performance to achieve the best performance.
Employee Invention Compensation System
Fuentech is implementing the ‘Job Invention Compensation System’ in order to inspire creative ideas among its members and inspire their enthusiasm for technology development. This leads to the company's technology accumulation and profit creation, serving as a practical driving force for corporate growth.
In addition, by preparing a fair compensation system for employees' creative ideas, the company's profits are shared with employees in a reasonable manner.
In addition, by preparing a fair compensation system for employees' creative ideas, the company's profits are shared with employees in a reasonable manner.
Practice of sharing
Since its foundation, Fuentech has been thinking about corporate ethical responsibility and social contribution.
We pursue corporate ethical management and social contribution by practicing sharing by incorporating the consciousness of ‘ethical consciousness and society in which we live together’ among the members who lead the company. I think this is the right path to talent management.